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Python API

API documentation for the stacrs Python package.


Several functions, including stacrs.write, take a format argument. Valid values are:

  • json or geojson: compact (no whitespace) JSON
  • json-pretty or geojson-pretty: indented JSON
  • ndjson: newline-delimited JSON (also known as geojson-seq)
  • parquet or geoparquet: uncompressed geoparquet
  • parquet[{compression}] or geoparquet[{compression}]: compressed parquet, where valid values for compression are the lowercase string versions of the values enumerated in stac::geoparquet::Compression.


If you're not sure which geoparquet compression to use, we suggest parquet[snappy]


The distinction between pretty and compact JSON, or compressed and uncompressed geoparquet, is only relevant on write. On read, the formats are treated the same.

Under the hood, the format argument is parsed into a Format enum.