

This document is a description of the current ad-hoc process, and has not been formally approved.

Repository level permissions#

As a rule, Github users that need elevated permissions on stac-utils repositories should be given those permissions on the repositories themselves, not the whole organization. Users who have demonstrated good knowledge of the code base, usually via multiple contributions, may be given write permissions, which allow for the approval and merging of pull requests. Any permissions above write should be reserved for members or owners of the organization.


From the Github documentation:

The default, non-administrative role for people in an organization is the organization member. By default, organization members have a number of permissions, including the ability to create repositories and project boards.

The current public members of the stac-utils repository are viewable on Github via this page. Members should be contributors from the community that create new repositories. To become a member, users should contact a current owner with a rationale for their inclusion as a member. If the user is only expected to create one new repository, it may be better to simply transfer that repository to the organization (often done by transferring the repository to a owner first, then to the organization), rather than add the person as a member.


From the Github documentation:

Organization owners have complete administrative access to your organization. This role should be limited, but to no less than two people, in your organization.

The current public owners of the stac-utils repository are viewable on Github via this page. New owners may be added if they are doing significant work in the stac-utils organization and need those owner permissions to continue that work.

To request owner permissions, a current member should send a request to a current owner with a written justification of why the elevated permissions are needed.

Removing users#

We do not currently have a policy or procedure around removing users or downgrading user permissions.