

All libraries in the stac-utils organization will have a consistent versioning scheme based on semantic versioning, with the caveat that it is impossible to strictly adhere to that system. These projects will maintain a hand-curated, meaningful CHANGELOG that provides useful information about the changes contained in each release.


Semantic Versioning (SemVer) is a widely-used versioning scheme that is based on three numbers, MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH, each separated by a . (e.g. MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH). SemVer is intended as a communication mechanism that allows software developers to inform their users about breaking, non-breaking, and bugfix changes to software.

While SemVer is nice in theory, in practice it is common for a “non-breaking” release of a dependency to break one’s code. The excellent Semantic Versioning Will Not Save You outlines some of the pitfalls of relying on SemVer. However, as the article states:

This article is not about discouraging maintainers from using SemVer for their projects if they like it. There’s nothing wrong about encoding the intent of a release into the version number as a service to its users.

This document describes the intent of MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH releases for projects in stac-utils, in the hopes that users can cautiously rely on those release numbers in their downstream projects. While many projects are implicitly implementing SemVer now, it is considered best practice to explicitly state a project’s versioning scheme. This document can be a single source of truth for the versioning scheme for all projects that choose to implement it.

Guide-level explanation#

The Semantic Versioning Specification will be used. It is not copied here in full, but some key points are:

  • MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH are all non-negative integers without any leading zeros.

  • PATCH changes indicate a backwards compatible bug fix.

  • MINOR changes indicate backwards compatible functionality in the public API, deprecation of part of a public API, and substantial new functionality in private code.

  • MAJOR changes indicate backwards incompatible changes to the public API.

  • Version 1.0.0 defines the public API

  • Initial development releases starting with “0.y.z” can treat changes in “y” as a major release, and “z” as a minor release. “0.0.z” releases are always major changes (taken from

Projects are encouraged to stay in initial development (MAJOR == 0) until they are willing to commit to a public API. In this way, we can engender some measure of trust in the stability of MAJOR >= 1 stac-utils projects. At the same time, projects in initial development are encouraged to create a public roadmap to a 1.0.0 release.

Downstream users of stac-utils projects are well advised by Hynek Schlawack’s article (linked above):

that’s all SemVer is: a TL;DR of the changelog.

When new versions are released, users are encouraged to inspect the CHANGELOG for information about what has changed, and how that might effect their systems. Software maintainers will keep an up-to-date CHANGELOG with links to relevant pull requests and issues, describing all changes and potential side effects.