

This document is a description of the current ad-hoc process, and has not been formally approved.

Repositories in the stac-utils organization should:

  • Be general-purpose and reusable

  • Relate to STAC

  • Not be vendor or company-specific

  • Not rely on proprietary or licensed libraries

  • Be limited in scope (avoid monorepos)

  • Follow the recommendations of this guide

  • Have an commonly-accepted open-source license

While it is common to create repositories that start with stac-, it is by no means required; different software ecosystems have different naming conventions.

Creating new repositories#

Members and Owners can create new repositories as they deem appropriate. They should follow the recommendations of this guide whenever possible.

Other Github users should request transfer of existing repositories into the organization if it seems appropriate. To initiate a transfer, they should contact a organization owner or member.

Archiving repositories#

We do not currently have a process for identifying or archiving old repositories.